There are a couple of reasons why a team in a match might have an average rating above 2400.75. They are:

1. Each team is allowed to use any rating list from September of the previous year through August of the current year. The ratings shown on this page will all be from August though - sometimes resulting in a seemingly higher rating average than would legally be allowed.

2. When a team uses a player rated above 2590, that player only counts as 2600 when determining a lineup's legality. However what is shown on this page will be the actual average which of course might be higher.

There are a couple of reasons why a team in a match might have an average rating above 2400.75. They are:

1. Each team is allowed to use any rating list from January through August of the current year. The ratings shown on this page will all be from August though - sometimes resulting in a seemingly higher rating average than would legally be allowed.

2. When a team uses a player rated above 2600, that player only counts as 2600 when determining a lineup's legality. However what is shown on this page will be the actual average which of course might be higher.

If there is a tie during the regular season as to the finishing order for playoff positioning, the following rules will be used (for instance if two teams are tied for second place with seven match points each). Tiebreak #1 is of course the first tiebreak with the lower ones being used only if all the above tiebreak procedures also result in a tie.

1. Total Team Game Points. Thus winning a match 4 - 0 will give you more tiebreak points than winning a match 3 - 1.

2. Average rating of opponents throughout the season, using the August rating list of that season.

3. Head to Head Results. If you have beaten the opposing team 1.5 - 0.5 during the regular season, you will get the higher seeding.

4. Total Match Points versus Divisional Teams. Thus if Team A went 4.0 - 2.0 in Divisional Matches while Team B went 3.5 - 2.5 then Team A would have the better tiebreaks.

5. Total Game Points versus Divisional Teams

6. Total Game Points from Board 1

7. Total Game Points from Board 2

8. Total Game Points from Board 3

9. Total number of team wins. Thus if one team has a total of twenty five points, with twenty of these points being from wins, whereas another team has a total of twenty five points with only nineteen being from wins, the team with twenty wins has the better tiebreaks.

10. An Armageddon blitz game between chosen members of the teams

If there is a tie between three teams in both match points and game points, we will use the above rules to decide the order amongst the teams. The last resort will be an online blitz game between chosen members of the teams.

If there is a tie during the regular season as to the finishing order for playoff positioning, the following rules will be used (for instance if two teams are tied for second place with seven match points each). Tiebreak #1 is of course the first tiebreak with the lower ones being used only if all the above tiebreak procedures also result in a tie.

1. Total Team Game Points. Thus winning a match 4 - 0 will give you more tiebreak points than winning a match 3 - 1.

2. Strength of Schedule; the team whose opponents have the highest combined record wins the tiebreak.

3. Average rating of opponents throughout the season, using the August rating list of that season.

4. Head to Head Results. If you have beaten the opposing team 1.5 - 0.5 during the regular season, you will get the higher seeding.

5. Total Match Points versus Divisional Teams. Thus if Team A went 5.0 - 3.0 in Divisional Matches while Team B went 4.5 - 3.5 then Team A would have the better tiebreaks.

6. Total Game Points versus Divisional Teams

7. Total Game Points from Board 1

8. Total Game Points from Board 2

9. Total Game Points from Board 3

10. Total number of team wins. Thus if one team has a total of twenty five points, with twenty of these points being from wins, whereas another team has a total of twenty five points with only nineteen being from wins, the team with twenty wins has the better tiebreaks.

11. An Armageddon blitz game between chosen members of the teams

If there is a tie between three teams in both match points and game points, we will use the above rules to decide the order amongst the teams. The last resort will be an online blitz game between chosen members of the teams.

If the regulation match is tied 2 - 2, the following tiebreak procedures will be take place after a ten minute break:

1. The fourth boards from each team will play each other. The team that won on the highest board during the original match will choose their color for the first game. If all regulation games were drawn, the lower rated team gets to choose colors for the first tiebreak game. The time control will be three minutes with a three second increment. The loser of this game will be eliminated, and the winner then faces Board Three of the opposing team.

2. This process continues with the next higher board on each team continually replacing any player of their team who gets eliminated.

3. If a game ends in a draw, both players are eliminated, except if at least one team is using its Board One in which case there is no elimination on a draw, instead colors reverse, and the game is replayed until there is a decisive result.

4. Colors will switch every game for the teams in all circumstances.

5. This process repeats itself until all four players from one team have been eliminated. Thus in order for your opponents to win the match, every one of your team members must be eliminated.

Return to the 2013 Schedule

Week 4 Results, USCL 2013

Tuesday, September 17th

1. San Francisco Mechanics vs New York Knights8:30 PM EST
2. Manhattan Applesauce vs Arizona Scorpions9:00 PM EST
3. Seattle Sluggers vs Philadelphia Inventors9:00 PM EST
4. New Jersey Knockouts vs Los Angeles Vibe9:00 PM EST

Wednesday, September 18th

5. New England Nor'easters vs Carolina Cobras7:15 PM EST
6. Miami Sharks vs Boston Blitz7:30 PM EST
7. Dallas Destiny vs Baltimore Kingfishers7:45 PM EST
8. Connecticut Dreadnoughts vs St. Louis Arch Bishops8:00 PM EST

• If you are wondering why some teams have an average rating of above 2401, click here

• All ratings listed below are August ratings - not always the ratings used for the league rating calculations!

• Team listed first gets White on Boards 1+3

team icon San Francisco Mechanics (3.0 - 0.0) vs New York Knights (1.5 - 1.5) team icon

All Time Series Record: (New York leads 3.5 - 2.5)

Starts at 8:30 PM EST

Time Control: Game in 75 with 30 second increment

San Francisco MechanicsNew York Knights
GM Vinay Bhat: 25550.50.5GM Pascal Charbonneau: 2552
GM Daniel Naroditsky: 25701.00.0SM Matt Herman: 2424
FM Andy Lee: 23160.01.0IM Akshat Chandra: 2395
NM Vignesh Panchanatham: 22380.01.0NM Alex King: 2297
Average Rating: 2420Average Rating: 2417
San Francisco Total1.52.5New York Total

team icon Manhattan Applesauce (1.5 - 1.5) vs Arizona Scorpions (0.5 - 2.5) team icon

All Time Series Record: (Manhattan leads 2 - 0)

Starts at 9:00 PM EST

Time Control: Game in 60 with 30 second increment

Manhattan ApplesauceArizona Scorpions
GM Robert Hungaski: 25410.50.5IM Mackenzie Molner: 2592
IM Eli Vovsha: 25280.01.0IM Levon Altounian: 2513
NM Ryan Goldenberg: 23481.00.0FM Robby Adamson: 2369
Frank Ashmun: 21050.01.0WFM Amanda Mateer: 2113
Average Rating: 2381Average Rating: 2397
Manhattan Total1.52.5Arizona Total

team icon Seattle Sluggers (0.5 - 2.5) vs Philadelphia Inventors (1.0 - 2.0) team icon

All Time Series Record: (Seattle leads 1 - 0)

Starts at 9:00 PM EST

Time Control: Game in 60 with 30 second increment

Seattle SluggersPhiladelphia Inventors
GM Emil Anka: 24970.01.0FM Tom Bartell: 2496
FM Curt Collyer: 22660.50.5FM Dov Gorman: 2362
NM Joshua Sinanan: 22460.01.0NM Peter Minear: 2385
NM Roland Feng: 22680.50.5IM Richard Costigan: 2288
Average Rating: 2319Average Rating: 2383
Seattle Total1.03.0Philadelphia Total

team icon New Jersey Knockouts (0.5 - 2.5) vs Los Angeles Vibe (1.0 - 2.0) team icon

All Time Series Record: (Los Angeles leads 1 - 0)

Starts at 9:00 PM EST

Time Control: Game in 60 with 30 second increment

New Jersey KnockoutsLos Angeles Vibe
GM Alex Stripunsky: 26511.00.0GM Melikset Khachiyan: 2602
GM Joel Benjamin: 26400.50.5IM Andranik Matikozyan: 2577
NM Alexander Katz: 23621.00.0IM Larry Remlinger: 2373
Haik der Manuelian: 20320.01.0 Nicky Korba: 2160
Average Rating: 2421Average Rating: 2428
New Jersey Total2.51.5Los Angeles Total

team icon New England Nor'easters (2.5 - 0.5) vs Carolina Cobras (0.0 - 3.0) team icon

All Time Series Record: (New England leads 3.5 - 0.5)

Starts at 7:15 PM EST

Time Control: Game in 75 with 30 second increment

New England Nor'eastersCarolina Cobras
GM Alexander Ivanov: 26241.00.0NM Diego Garcia: 2264
IM David Vigorito: 25320.50.5FM Robin Cunningham: 2225
NM Andrew Liu: 22960.50.5NM Craig Jones: 2251
NM Lawyer Times: 22611.00.0NM Oliver Fernando: 2201
Average Rating: 2428Average Rating: 2235
New England Total3.01.0Carolina Total

team icon Miami Sharks (3.0 - 0.0) vs Boston Blitz (2.0 - 1.0) team icon

All Time Series Record: (Boston leads 2.5 - 1.5)

Starts at 7:30 PM EST

Time Control: Game in 75 with 30 second increment

Miami SharksBoston Blitz
GM Yuniesky Quesada: 26861.00.0IM Marc Esserman: 2569
GM Julio Becerra: 26190.50.5FM Samuel Sevian: 2486
FM Eric Rodriguez: 23481.00.0SM Denys Shmelov: 2465
Dennis Mederos: 20581.00.0 Michael Mahoney: 2040
Average Rating: 2428Average Rating: 2390
Miami Total3.50.5Boston Total

team icon Dallas Destiny (3.0 - 0.0) vs Baltimore Kingfishers (0.5 - 2.5) team icon

All Time Series Record: (Tied 1 - 1)

Starts at 7:45 PM EST

Time Control: Game in 75 with 30 second increment

Dallas DestinyBaltimore Kingfishers
GM Conrad Holt: 26391.00.0GM Niclas Huschenbeth: 2610
FM Jeffery Xiong: 24851.00.0GM Larry Kaufman: 2401
NM Ruifeng Li: 23480.01.0NM Jared Defibaugh: 2297
NM Sarah Chiang: 22130.50.5FM Ralph Zimmer: 2244
Average Rating: 2421Average Rating: 2388
Dallas Total2.51.5Baltimore Total
Due to a lineup change, on Board Four Baltimore will begin with 84 minutes while Dallas will begin with 66.
team icon Connecticut Dreadnoughts (2.5 - 0.5) vs St. Louis Arch Bishops (1.0 - 2.0) team icon

All Time Series Record: (Connecticut leads 1 - 0)

Starts at 8:00 PM EST

Time Control: Game in 75 with 30 second increment

Connecticut DreadnoughtsSt. Louis Arch Bishops
GM Mikheil Kekelidze: 25760.01.0GM Varuzhan Akobian: 2717
GM Michael Rohde: 25480.01.0IM Priyadharshan Kannappan: 2508
IM Jay Bonin: 24360.50.5IM Vitaly Neimer: 2455
Jason Shi: 21730.50.5 Jacob Wilkins: 1909
Average Rating: 2433Average Rating: 2397
Connecticut Total1.03.0St. Louis Total