St. Louis Arch Bishops

Welcome to the homepage of the 2010 expansion team, the St. Louis Arch Bishops.  The Arch Bishops play their matches at the world renowned St. Louis Chess Club.

     Bearing the two highest rated players in the League and having, as a result, the ability to use the highest rated lineups in USCL history, expectations were very high for the Arch Bishops in 2010 despite being an expansion team.

     But as has been shown time and time again in the League, rating strength alone does not always translate into success as the combination of not always having a top tier lineup available and generally struggling on the bottom board eventually came back to haunt St. Louis as they ended up just a half point out of a playoff spot.

     While their first season was certainly disappointing, a year's experience can only make them stronger.  They come into 2011 with a very different structured roster, instead of having very top heavy lineups, having many strong more typical lineups.  Like many things, only time can really tell if this change of strategy will pay off, but with the by far highest rated player in the League, GM Hikaru Nakamura, leading them, the Arch Bishops will always be a major threat in any match.


Two Time All Star, GM Ben Finegold


St. Louis's Historical Results:

2011:  2.0 - 8.0, 8th Place in the Western Division.  Failed to qualify for the Playoffs
2010:  5.0 - 5.0, 5th Place in the Western Division.  Failed to qualify for the Playoffs

If you want to support the St. Louis Arch Bishops, click on the link below to make a donation to the team. 
Please contact the League Commissioner at [email protected] to donate money via check.  Please make it clear which team you are donating to in the "payment for" line while sending your donation.

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