Miami Sharks

Welcome to the homepage of the three time USCL Finalists, the Miami Sharks.

     Having made it to the Championship Match in three of their six seasons, more times than any other team, Miami has unquestionably been one of the most successful teams in USCL history.  While what most would deem to be the most important stat, their number of Championships, still remains at zero, the Sharks are always a feared team who are very adept at winning important late regular season and early playoff matches, no matter the seeming odds.

     In 2011, their team has been shaken up quite a bit.  While still lead by three time MVP, GM Julio Becerra, unquestionably one of the most successful players in league history, for the first time since the League's inception they come without bearing two of their most consistent veterans, IM Lugo and FM Martinez. 

     This change might well put doubts in some of their fans' minds as this loss of strength in the middle of their lineup does not leave Miami with nearly as many very strong lineups to use in 2011 as before.  While they have many options for the lower boards, including 2010 All Star, Nicholas Rosenthal, much, as always, will depend on Becerra's performance and likely one of their other very successful players from past years, FM Eric Rodriguez.  While this lack of flexibilty might have some questioning how strong their team will be, Miami has time and time again triumphed over what seemed to be incredible odds, and it should be interesting to see if 2011 can prove to be yet another example of that.

Three Time MVP:  GM Julio Becerra

Team Blog

Miami's Historical Results:

2011:  4.5 - 5.5, 6th Place in the Western Division.  Failed to qualify for the Playoffs
2010:  5.5 - 4.5, 3rd Place in the Western Division.  Lost 3 - 1 in Championship to New England
2009:  6.0 - 4.0, 4th Place in the Western Division.  Lost in Championship to New York in Tiebreaker
2008:  7.0 - 3.0, 1st Place in the Western Division.  Lost 3 - 1 in Semifinals to Dallas
2007:  5.0
- 5.0, 3rd Place in the Western Division.  Lost 3.5 - 0.5 in Semifinals to Dallas
2006:  4.0 - 6.0, 4th Place in the Western Division.  Failed to qualify for the Playoffs
20055.5 - 4.5, 2nd Place in the Western Division.  Lost 3.5 - 0.5 in Championship to Baltimore

To show your support for the Miami Sharks, click on the link below to make a donation to the team.  Please contact the League Commissioner at [email protected] to donate money via check.  Please make it clear which team you are donating to in the "payment for" line while sending your donation.

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