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Semifinals: Monday, November 16th

1. San Francisco Mechanics vs Miami Sharks                         8:30 PM ET   (San Francisco advances on a draw)

Wednesday, November 18th

2. New Jersey Knockouts vs New York Knights                    7:00 PM ET   (New Jersey advances on a draw)

If you are wondering why some teams have an average rating of above 2401, click here
All ratings listed below are August ratings - not always the ratings used for the league rating calculations!

Monday, November 16th, 2009

San Francisco Mechanics (7.5 - 3.5) vs Miami Sharks (7.0 - 4.0)  
                 San Francisco
receives Draw Odds

All Time Series Record:  (San Francisco leads 6 - 5)

Starts at 8:30 PM ET
       Time Control - Game in 75 with 30 second increment

San Francisco Mechanics

Miami Sharks
GM Jesse Kraai: 2552 0.5
GM Julio Becerra: 2615
GM Vinay Bhat: 2504 1.0
IM Blas Lugo: 2351
IM David Pruess: 2418 0.0
IM Alejandro Moreno Roman: 2331
NM Yian Liou: 2149 0.0
NM Eric Rodriguez: 2290
Avg Rating: 2406

Avg Rating: 2397
San Francisco Total -------
------- Miami Total

In consideration for the Mechanics' willingness to move this match to Monday, when it was originally scheduled for Wednesday, Miami
agreed to allow them to use IM Pruess (who is an alternate) in place of the player San Francisco had intended to use, IM John Donaldson,
who was not available
on Monday.

Wednesday, November 18th, 2009

New Jersey Knockouts (9.0 - 2.0) vs New York Knights (6.0 - 5.0)
                            New Jersey receives Draw Odds

All Time Series Record:  (New Jersey leads 3 - 2)

Starts at 7:00 PM ET       Time Control - Game in 90 with 30 second increment    

New Jersey Knockouts

New York Knights
GM Joel Benjamin: 2641 0.5
GM Giorgi Kacheishvili: 2666
IM Dean Ippolito: 2535 0.5
GM Pascal Charbonneau: 2560
SM Mackenzie Molner: 2446 0.5
NM Matt Herman: 2275
Sean Finn: 2114 0.0
NM Yaacov Norowitz: 2354
Avg Rating: 2434

Avg Rating: 2464
New Jersey Total -------
------- New York Total

*Team listed first has White on Boards 1+3
**Team Average Rating must be Under 2401 - click here to read about exceptions

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