Boston Blitz
GM Eugene Perelshtyen

Stats as of Jan 08

Lifetime Score
6.5/11 (59%)
Performance Rating
Date of Birth 1980


Won Game of the Week in Week 1, 2005

2007 Games: (1.0/4)

Week 3: GM Sergey Kudrin (PHI) vs GM Eugene Perelshteyn (BOS)  1/2-1/2
Week 4: GM Eugene Perelshteyn (BOS) vs GM Pascal Charbonneau (NY)  0-1   (Game of the Week)
Week 9: GM Eugene Perelshteyn (BOS) vs IM Eli Vovsha (QNS)  1/2-1/2
Week 10: IM Bryan Smith (PHI) vs GM Eugene Perelshteyn (BOS)  1-0
2007 MVP Points: (-5)
2007 Performance Rating: 2320

2006 Games: (3.0/4)

Week 3: FM Robert Hess (NY) vs GM Eugene Perelshteyn (BOS)  0-1
Week 4: GM Eugene Perelshteyn (BOS) vs FM Bryan Smith (PHI)  1-0
Week 5: GM Eugene Perelshteyn (BOS) vs FM Matthew Hoekstra (CAR)  1-0
Week 8: GM Pascal Charbonneau (NY) vs GM Eugene Perelshteyn (BOS)  1-0
2006 MVP Points: 7
2006 Performance Rating: 2628

2005 Games: (2.5/3)

Week 1: IM Eugene Perelshteyn (BOS) vs GM Alex Stripunsky (NY)  1-0  (GAME OF THE WEEK-annotated by IM Perelshteyn)     article
Week 5: IM Eugene Perelshteyn (BOS) vs IM John Donaldson (SF)  1-0
Week 8: IM Eugene Perelshteyn (BOS) vs GM Alejandro Ramirez (DAL)  1/2-1/2
2005 MVP Points: 8
2005 Performance Rating: 2823

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