
 How to Apply as an expansion team in the USCL
by IM Greg Shahade                   

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  The US Chess League went quite successfully in it's first year of existence and the league is ready to accept two new teams into it's ranks.  Please send all applications to [email protected].  The following are the important guidelines if you wish for your city/club to start a team.

PLEASE read all of the below very carefully when applying for your team.

What are we Looking for?

1. Fan Interest and Organization - The two most important things that the leaague is searching for is enthusiasm and organization. We want an area that is going to make their USCL matches some of the most important chess events in the community. We want fans who are willing to help and we want players who are excited to play. On the other hand we need to have reliable organizers at the helm of each team.  This worked out fantastically this season as all eight managers were very reliable and there were very few "glitches".  In order for the league to remain successful, it's important that this remains the case, and thus only those that have a very solid organizational foundation will be considered.

2. Strength of Players - We are of course looking for areas that have the most exciting teams to field. If you have a Grandmaster whom is ready to play on board 1, then this will surely help your chances. However if your city doesn't have the organization and fan interest of another city with a slightly to somewhat weaker team, then the weaker team will probably be more likely to be accepted. However assuming a group of many well organized teams, we will try to choose the teams that will make the league most exciting and generate the most fan interest.

3. Playing Site + TD - We would of course hope that each team has a playing site that can be accessed by the public, and has a reliable TD that the entire league would trust to ensure a fair match. The opportunity for the public to watch the games is very important as this helps to ensure fairness. It's also very important that your site has an appropriate number of computers to conduct the match. It IS possible for a site to have less than 4 computers and use a relayer for the players who don't have a computer, however it's highly suggested that you have 4 computers present if at all possible.

4. Team Writer - We are looking for an enthusiastic team writer for every USCL team this season. This writer would be expected to write up an article on their team's match on the day after the match (or even sooner if possible!). This season the USCL Commissioner wrote almost all of the articles, and it will be much more exciting when the articles have more of a local and varied flavor to them.

5. Sponsorship - Any team that joins the USCL will not receive benefits from the league until after they have been part of the league for 2 full seasons. For this reason it would be looked upon as extremely favorable if your team has your own sponsorship and will use it to pay your players. The above means that if hypothetically the USCL receives $10,000 in sponsorship, that will be divided amongst only the 8 original teams, to reward them for getting the league off the ground.

6. Longevity - Don't forget that once you are accepted into the league, your team is a member of the USCL for good. That means that as long as you continue to show interest, have proper organization and can field a halfway decent team, your city will be part of the USCL. We are looking for teams that are in this for the long haul and excited to become part of the USCL for years to come.


7. Deadlines - We need to receive all new team applications by March 1st.  We then plan to announce the new teams before April 1st. Anyone who applies after the March 1st deadline will not be considered, so it's best not to delay. It's possible that the league may decide to announce ONE of the two new teams before March 1st (But not before February 1st). This will reward those teams that apply quicker.

8. Team Logo + Nickname - Your team logo and nickname must be approved by the league. We currently employ an artist who was responsible for all eight of our original team logos. If you do join the league, expect to be able to choose a nickname and expect us to create the logo for your nickname. If you have a specific idea of how the logo should look or have an artist who wishes to do the design, this will be allowed provided the logo is acceptable to the league. Do not suggest a team nickname that is shared by any professional sports team in the area or by any major college sports teams.

9. Flexibility of Playing Time - If you are on the West Coast, its especially important that you are flexible about when the league matches will start. The matches are played on Wed evenings and the season will likely begin in late August. If this is not possible for your team it's very unlikely you will be accepted into the league. In the west coast, it's often important that you are ready to begin your games at a minimum of 6 pm (Although 5:30 pm is preferable), as its not possible for many East Coast teams to start late on a work night.

10. Internet Connection - If you are a new team, do not attempt to join the league with only one Internet connection. It is mandatory that you have some kind of backup Internet in case your first Internet should go down. This was a problem for one of our teams this year, and they were able to solve it. We don't want this to be a problem in the future, and with many months until the season begins, it should be no problem for any interested city to take care of this.

11. Entry Fee - There is no entry fee to join the league.

12. Forming a Team - To apply for a team, you must have FOUR players whom have already agreed to be part of the team. Your roster will consist of eight players, but only commitments from four of those will be necessary before the application deadline. It's possible to start forming your team today as the USCF December Rating List will be used for all ratings.

 The rule about the maximum team average rating remains the same, as all teams must have their four active boards for a match fall under a 2400 USCF rating. There will be a 10 point bonus to your average if you use a female in your lineup, and anyone rated above 2590 will count as only 2590 towards your team average. Last year the above number was 2600, but we are going to lower it to 2550, at the rate of 10 points per year, thus rewarding the highest rated "superstars". Please contact me if you are inquiring about a prospective team member who is unrated or provisional USCF.

13. Final Notes - Based on the success and excitement that the USCL showed in 2005, combined with many messages that I've already received, it's likely that the competitive will be fierce for the two new league spots. Do not take it personally if your team is not chosen, as based on what I've heard, it's very possible that there will be many overly qualified teams. We are still trying to build this league slowly and aren't ready to rush things by adding many teams all at once. I would love to involve as many cities as possible as soon as possible, however this just isn't feasible from an organizational standpoint. Please be aware that we plan to add two new teams every year for the unforeseeable future, thus if your city doesn't join the league this year, there is always next year and the year after and so on. Teams that have previously applied yet haven't been accepted will be seen in a positive light as it will be clear to the league how devoted your city is towards forming a team.

Don't forget to send your application to [email protected] before the March 1st deadline!

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