New England Nor'easters
FM Christopher Chase

Stats as of Dec 2010

Lifetime Score
3.5/7 (50%)
Performance Rating
Date of Birth 1956

Member of 2010 USCL Champions, New England Nor'easters

2010 Games: (3.5/7)

Week 1: NM Ian Schoch (BAL) vs FM Christopher Chase (NE)  1-0
Week 3: FM Christopher Chase (NE) vs FM Victor Shen (NJ)  1-0
Week 4: WGM Anya Corke (BOS) vs FM Christopher Chase (NE)  1/2-1/2
Week 6: FM Christopher Chase (NE) vs NM Jim Voelker (STL)  1-0
Week 9: FM Christopher Chase (NE) vs NM Carlito Agner (CAR)  1-0
Quarterfinals: FM Christopher Chase (NE) vs FM Alec Getz (NY)  0-1
Semifinals: IM Marc Esserman (BOS) vs FM Christopher Chase (NE)  1-0
Championship: FM Christopher Chase (NE) vs FM Charles Galofre (MIA)  1F-0F*
2010 MVP Points: 6.5
2010 Performance Rating: 2310
*Doesn't count towards official USCL records

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